Dependencies in Heurist

Dependencies in Heurist

Defining entity dependencies in spreadsheet import It may be tempting to think that a spreadsheet describes one type of entity – for example, a Person, Organisation, Interview,  Work, Document, Image, Event, Structure, Sample, Context etc. But in practice this...

Importing Relationships for Relationship Marker fields

Relationship markers can be a powerful tool for adding detail about a relationship between two records. Relationship markers are discussed elsewhere, however, a detailed description of the mechanism for importing relationships from a CSV file has not been outlined...
Using relationship marker fields for related records

Using relationship marker fields for related records

Related records are those records in Heurist connected by relationship records. While Heurist can create a relationship record between any two records, we strongly recommend creating Relationship Marker fields, which have several advantages: They appear as a field,...

Simple broader term and multilingual searches

Broader-term search Heurist’s hierarchichal term trees allow searches on broader terms which will automatically find narrower terms. For instance, in the Expert Nation database we can search for specific architectural degrees or, by choosing the broader term...
New mapping features

New mapping features

The latest version of Heurist has significant improvements in the mapping and timeline functions: Automatic derivation of map location for non-geo-localised entities from connected Places Improved map marker clustering Improved temporal filtering Map selection tools...
Using UTM Coordinates in Heurist

Using UTM Coordinates in Heurist

Anyone who does mapping is aware that there are many different types of map projections, which impact on the type of coordinates produced for any given point in space. The eternal problem of representing a point on a sphere in a two-dimensional depiction, whilst...
Facet Search

Facet Search

Facet searches are a very powerful way of publishing databases, providing a guided search which does not require knowledge of the structure and content of the database. They’re widely used in shopping websites to guide you through a catalogue of tens of...
Claire Reeler joins the Heurist Team

Claire Reeler joins the Heurist Team

Hi all! My name is Claire. Some of you may have already met me online, but for those who haven’t, here is a bit about me: I have recently joined the Heurist team to assist Ian, mainly with helping people using Heurist, plus a little bit of documentation and...