See how others use Heurist to power their research.
Create a Heurist database (free institutionally-supported services)
These free services are kindly supported by Intersect Australia, Huma-Num (France) and contributions from users.
There are more than 1500 database on Heurist’s servers, used by all kinds of users, from students with small databases to support their Masters research, to large millions-of-dollars projects using Heurist to coordinate international teams of scholars. On this page, you can explore a sample of Heurist projects. We are in the process of building and publishing this database in 2022. Needless to say, it uses Heurist …
The table below is an example of Heurist’s live data publishing capabilities. Use the search box to find projects that interest you. For a more structured search, use the ‘discipline’ dropdown to filter the list. The project’s title is linked to their website, or click ‘contact’ to get in touch with the project’s owner.